At SUITSUIT, we challenge you not only to explore the world, but to be conscious of your immediate surroundings, especially during this festive month. Being at home, surrounded by the people you love, is exactly what makes the festive season a worthwhile experience. But how do you make these particular days extra special for yourself and those around you? 

Old and new traditions  

Bring outdated traditions back to life! For example, consider creating a "chat jar" all together. Fill a jar with personal questions, form a circle and let everyone draw a question. Aside from opening up heartfelt conversations, this also creates lasting memories.  

Moreover, there are plenty of other traditions you can start on your own initiative. For instance, consider writing shared goals for the coming year, making a time capsule or setting an annual photoshoot at home. 

Taking a cultural dip at home  

Give the holidays a unique twist by delving into the traditions of another culture. For example, decide on a themed dinner featuring dishes from a country you've always wanted to explore. Or organise a movie night with classics from different countries and discover the diversity of the world without leaving your home!   
Treat yourself: Already have some travel plans scheduled for 2024? Take off in style with our timeless passport covers! 

Creating something both tangible & precious  

Add a personal and creative element to the festive season by creating your own decorations. From handmade ornaments to homemade candles, add a unique touch to your home! Organise a fun evening where friends or family can show off their creative talents. Make everyone put together an ornament that not only gets a spot on the Christmas tree, but also evoke cherished memories year after year. 

Rest and relaxation  

Need a moment to yourself during the holidays? With a few simple steps and a small budget, you can turn your bathroom into a wonderful spa for total relaxation.   
Entering a bathroom that is still cluttered from the same morning gives a sense of unease. In fact, you'd probably prefer to close the door as soon as possible. In this situation, properly storing your products might already be half the work. For instance, this can be done by creating a corner where you put some of your favourite products neatly together.  
That's not so bad, is it? So, you see, with just a few small actions, you can quickly create a place in your home to completely recharge.   
Treat yourself: Want to easily store all your self-care items in the same place? In that case, our Raw Cotton Upright Toiletry Bag or Beauty Set might be just the thing for you!  

Activities close to home: Winter camping  

Winter camping is becoming increasingly popular. You can easily head out into nature for a unique overnight stay! Fish out the thermal clothing and head off to Gelderland or Limburg, for example, where you can spend the night in a safari lodge or on a glamping site in the woods. Alternatively, opt for the full camping experience by bringing your own tent to a winter campsite! Just make sure you spend the night at an official winter campsite and take conservation rules into account.   

Want to know more about winter camping? Read it in our blog! 

Reflecting on the past year  

The festive season is a perfect opportunity come together and look back on the past year. Share highs and lows, laugh at shared memories and embrace each other's growth. This is also a time to look ahead, set goals and envision what the new year might bring. Creating a yearbook to document and share the most cherished memories, favourite moments, and accomplished goals is a wonderful idea. This book not only becomes a tangible keepsake but also serves as a lasting source of inspiration for the years ahead!